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Courthouse Close

Location: Petworth

Year: - 2014

+ Info

Situated near Petworth town centre, the Courtlea residential development comprises nine cottages constructed from local materials, blending brick and natural stone to reflect the traditional style of adjacent listed buildings.

The site is enclosed within a boundary brick wall, with two cottages to the northern edge. A vehicular access route leads into a semi-circular courtyard parking area, where this features intricate blockwork paving. The cottages are also fronted with lawns and specimen planting areas, complemented by a communal garden of native trees and flowering shrubs.

Existing willow trees on the southern edge of the development have been retained in accordance with tree retention and protection measures. Further to this, the addition of accent and climber planting with flowering shrubs has enhanced the site's visual appeal, whilst providing potential habitats for insects and birds.

Our expert team provided exceptional landscape architecture and ecological consultancy services for this project. We’ve ensured that the development harmonises with its surroundings, while promoting biodiversity at every opportunity.

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